As you probably have noticed by now I have not been very good lately with keeping this blog up to date and presenting you with at least two blog posts a month (which is my personal goal). I could write you a list of excuses but none of them would really magically make it all better and give me my time back; so this blog post is going to be a little catch up to get you guys up to date with my boring but surprisingly busy life through the last month or so!
Let's start with the least important detail of May: My birthday. My mother happened to birth me on the 25th of May in the year of 1997 which so happens to now make me 18 years old! I had lots of fantastic and wonderfully pleasant cards and gifts as well as the company of my friends and family which made this birthday one of the greatest and I am now legally allowed to drink alcohol at a bar!
This leads me onto my next topic of news: driving! Yes, in the UK you are legally aloud to start learning to drive at the age of 17. Hmm, what's that I hear you asking? Why didn't I start a year ago when I turned 17? The answer is because I was stupid. No, I'm just messing, I wasn't that bothered at the time and a car wasn't really needed. I also didn't have a job so I couldn't physically afford it but that is no longer a problem because of my next piece of news:
I now have a part time job! -gives myself a pat on the back- I am quite proud of myself for this as I'm not the most outgoing individual in the world and I'm not very confident with maths or even major responsibility which sounds dumb but I am enjoying it. My coworkers are lovely, I'm meeting new people from the village I live in and I'm earning a fair wage; what more could I want?
I actually knew about this job before the beginning of May but I hadn't started until mid May as I had to go to my cousin's wedding which was so amazing and magical! Here are some official photographs from the photographer hired on the day (Owen Howells).
Over the half term (last week of May which also happened to roll over onto my birthday) I did a variety of things to celebrate my birthday. Here's a small run down on what happened on each day:
Friday the 22nd: Last day of college before half term and work from 4:00pm-7:30pm.
Saturday the 23rd: Travelled down to my grandparents home in Crawley, chilled out for the afternoon before going out for dinner at the hungry horse with my grandfather and then going to see The Avengers: Age of Ultron (which was incredible might I add!! I cried near the end!). Before we left the cinema there was a giant screen with motion censors where you could play a game called 'Hulkbuster' where you could control the iron Hulkbuster suit Tony Stark built (I didn't get a chance to play it but watching my brother trying to figure out the controls was hilarious!).
Sunday th 24th: Today was the whole reason we travelled to Crawley for such a short period of time - London Comic Con! I travelled to London with my father, half-sister and brother to experience my first ever Comic Convention. I was so excited yet nervous because not only was I attending my first Comic Con but I was also meeting a friend of mine for the first time. I call her Kairi as we met over an online role play group about the video game Kingdom Hearts and that was the character she role played (I was/am Aqua by the way). The role play group has gone dead recently but I still kept in contact with a few of them and I occasionally Skype them. Kairi though is different; I talk to her on a regular basis and we sometimes buy each other stuff from eBay or Amazon. (Insert Caegus photos).
I unfortunately do not have a picture of our meeting but I assure you it did happen and I couldn't be happier that I finally met my friend of approximately 4 years! I also met her friend and a ton of cool people whom dressed up as mostly Five Nights At Freddie's characters but also a few who were other characters.
Monday the 25th: Today is officially my birthday and I had to spend it working from 12:00pm-5:00pm before going out to dinner over the local pub with my father, step-mother and step-grandparents at 7:00pm. I also sat down with my friends and had a chat once they had finished work as two of them work there.
Tuesday the 26th: I travelled down to where I used to live to spend the next couple of days with my mum's side of the family and my old friends from school.
Wednesday the 27th: I invited a group of friends to come out with me to have a few drinks to celebrate my birthday. Since it was half term I didn't think it would be dead but it turns out I was wrong with my assumption. We stayed out until 12:00am before heading back to my house where a few of us had some more drinks, played a drinking game and chilled out whilst having a good conversation.
Thursday the 28th: Today I invited a few family members from my mother's side as well as my best friend of all time who is like a sister to me out for dinner at the Indian in town. My favourite food is chicken korma curry and I just had to go there for my birthday. We had a wonderful night and I received a few bottles of alcohol and some money which is always good too!
Friday the 29th: lady I travelled back up to my dad's before heading off to work. Not much happened today.
Saturday the 30th: My college friends and I were planning to go down to Dragon FEST which is a festival kind of event but our plans changed but we still had a few drinks over the local pub!
Sunday the 31st: Work at 8am and chilling out before college the next morning.
I'm not sure what else to say apart from I sat out in the garden for a couple of hours after work yesterday and caught a suntan! I also have something planned coming up but I don't want to say anything in case I can't go through with it but you will find out soon, I promise, just wait until August time!
That's all for now I guess! I'd love to hear about what you all got up to during the half term so drop a comment on this post and I'll be sure to give it a read.
Sending my love,
As always,
A Wanderlust Being.